miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012


A biography is a type of nonfiction writing that tells the true story of another person´s life.

To write a biography, follow the steps below:

- Choose someone to write about. You could write about an author, a movie star, a war hero, an athlete or even a family member.

- Find out as much as you can about the person you´ve chosen. Read newspaper reports, encyclopedia articles and books. Conduct interviews if the person is someone you know. Use two or more sources to gather facts.

- Take notes as you research. Use an idea organizer to help you take notes.

- Write a title. The title could include the name of the person you´re writing about.

- Write an introduction that grabs the reader´s attention and tells him or her who you are writing about.

- Write a paragraph that includes information about the person´s childhood. When was he or she born?. Where did he or she grow up? Who did he or she look up to?

- Write a paragraph that includes information about the person´s talents and accomplishments. What goals has this person achieved? Has this person ever faced a problem and overcome it?

- Write a conclusion that includes your opinion about why it is important to learn about this person. What can we learn from this person´s accomplishments? How can the example of this person´s accomplishments help us to achieve our own dreams?

- Once you have finished your paper, be sure to review your writing.

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